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Date 27 October/8 November 1887
Addressed to Otto Schneider
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language German
Autograph Location Berlin (Germany): Staatliches Institut der Musikforschung: Archive of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (A Čaj 1) [1]
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 246

Text and Translation

German text
English translation
By Brett Langston
S[ank]t Petersburg  27 Oktober
8 Nov[ember]

Hochgeehrter Herr Schneider,

Ihr werthes Schreiben beantwortend teile Ihnen mit, dass ich Herr Friedrich entschieden abgesagt habe und ausschliesslich der Philharmonie den Vorzug gebe.

Von den von Ihnen bezeichneten Tagen wäre mir am bequemsten der 8-te Februar, da ich am 20 Januar in Hamburg mitwirke, am 24 in Copenhagen und von dort nach Berlin kommen würde.

Soeben erhielt ich Ihre Antwort auf mein Тelegramm. Es ist mir lieb den Tag nun auch definitiv festgesetzt zu wissen. Ich trete in diesen Tagen eine weite Reise nach Tiflis an.

Als Programm schlage ich vor:

1) Ouvertüre "Romeo u[nd] Julliette" oder "Francesca da Rimini"
2) Lieder
3) Piano-Concert
4) Dritte Suite ор. 55
5) Lieder
6) Ouvertüre "1812"

Briefe an mich bisz zum 1 Januar 1888 bitte ich an Неrrn P. Jurgenson, Musikhand[lung], Moskau zu adressiren.

Mit grösster Hochachtung ergebenst,

Peter Tschaikowsky

Saint Petersburg  27 October
8 November

Highly respected Herr Schneider,

In response to your cherished words [2], I inform you that I have turned down Herr Friedrich [3], in favour of making myself exclusively available to the Philharmonic.

Of the dates you indicated, the 8th of February would be the be the most convenient, since on the 20th January I am engaged in Hamburg, on the 24th in Copenhagen, and would come to Berlin from there [4].

I have just received your reply to my telegram [5]. I am pleased to know that the date has finally been settled. I will soon be embarking on a long journey to Tiflis [6].

As to the programme, I suggest:

1) Overture "Romeo and Juliet" or "Francesca da Rimini"
2) Romances
3) Piano Concerto
4) Suite No. 3, Op. 55
5) Romances
6) Overture "1812"

Please address letters to me before 1 January 1888 to Herr P. Jurgenson, music publisher, Moscow.

With sincere and utmost respect,

Peter Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. As kindly confirmed by Franziska Gulde-Druet of the Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker, the autograph of this letter, which was previously in the possession of Peter Muck, a former violist with the Berlin Philharmonic and the author of Einhundert Jahre Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester: Darstellung in Dokumenten (Tutzing, 1982), is now held in the archive of the orchestra.
  2. Letter from Otto Schneider to Tchaikovsky, 22 October/3 November 1887.
  3. Dmitry Avgustovich Friedrich (Фридрих), Russian concert agent in Berlin.
  4. Tchaikovsky conducted in Hamburg on 8/20 January 1888, but did not go to Copenhagen. The Berlin concert took place on 27 January/8 February 1887.
  5. Tchaikovsky's telegram and Schneider's reply have not survived.
  6. Tchaikovsky's planned journey to Tiflis to conduct The Enchantress did not take place.