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Date 6/18 November 1887
Addressed to Velebín Urbánek
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language French
Autograph Location Basel (Switzerland): Private collection
Publication Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 7 (2000), p. 36–37 (including German translation, p. 37–38)
Notes Copy in Basel (Switzerland): Paul Sacher Stiffung

Text and Translation

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
S[aint] Petersbourg
6/18 Novembre 1887

Cher et très respecté Monsieur!

Je suis toujours à Petersbourg, retenu par les premieres représentations de mon nouvel opera, que j'ai conduites moi même. Ce n'est que demain que je pars pour Moscou. M[onsieu]r Jurgenson vient de m'expédier Votre lettre du 7 Novembre. Je V[ou]s remercie de tout mon coeur pour les expressions de simpathie, dont Votre lettre est pleine et qui me touchent profondément. Il est donc bien arreté que mon concert à Prague aura lieu le 19 Février (vieux style); j'arriverai à Prague une dizaine de jours avant cette date, si ce n'est plus tôt encore.

Voici le programme que je Vous propose.

1) Francesca da Rimini, poème simphonique, ou Romeo e Juliette (ouverture)
2) 1-er concerto pour piano, s'il se trouve un pianiste qui puisse le jouer, ou Fantaisie pour piano avec orchestre (op. 56)
3) Suite № 2 ou № 3.
4) deux ou trois №№ de chants d'eglise.
5) Chants (romances) à Votre choix, ou morceaux pour piano.
6) Ouverture triomphale 1812, ou Marche Slave à Votre choix.

Comme pianiste, s'il n'y en a pas à Prague en ce moment de disponible, permettez moi de V[ou]s recommander M[onsieur] Alexandre Silotti (Leipzig, Wiesenstrasse, № 4).

Pour les №№ de chant sacré je vais dès aujourd'hui m'occuper du choix de ces morceaux et V[ou]s les enverrai immédiatement.

Si quelquechose dans mon programme V[ou]s deplait, veuillez me le dire et je me conformerai avec le plus grand plaisir aux conseils que Vous me donnerez.

Veuillez adresser Vos lettre à Moscou, P. Jurgenson, éditeur. De Moscou je pars pour Tiflis (Caucase) le 26 Décembre je conduis l'orchestre à un concert. De Petersbourg, le 27 je pars pour Hambourg, Berlin, Copenhague et vers le 8 Février (toujours vieux style) je me trouverai à Prague et je serai très content de V[ou]s y serrer la main.

En attendant croyez Monsieur aux sentiments de profond respect de Votre devoué serviteur,

P. Tschaïkovsky

Saint Petersburg
6/18 November 1887

Dear and most respected Monsieur!

I am still in Petersburg, detained by the first presentations of my new opera, which I have been conducting myself [1]. It is not until tomorrow that I am leaving for Moscow. Monsieur Jurgenson has sent me your letter of 7 November. You have my heartfelt thanks for your expressions of sympathy with which your letter is filled and which touched me profoundly. It is therefore settled that my concert in Prague will take place on 19 February (old style) [2]; I shall arrive in Prague a dozen days before this date, if not much earlier .

Here is the programme I propose to you:

1) Francesca da Rimini, symphonic poem, or Romeo and Juliet (overture)
2) First Piano Concerto, if you can find a pianist who is able to play it, or the Fantasia for piano with orchestra (Op. 56)
3) Suite No. 2 or No. 3.
4) Two or three items of church songs.
5) Songs (romances) of your choice, or pieces for piano.
6) Triumphant overture 1812, the Slavonic March, as you choose [3].

Regarding a pianist, if there is none available in Prague at that time, permit me to recommend to you Monsieur Aleksandr Ziloti (Leipzig, Wiesenstrasse, No. 4).

As for the sacred songs, I shall attend to the choice of these pieces myself today, and send them to you immediately.

If there is anything in my programme which displeases you, please tell me and I shall be pleased to comply with the advice that you give me.

Please address your letters to Moscow, P. Jurgenson, publisher. From Moscow I'm leaving for Tiflis (Caucuses) where on 26 December I'm conducting in a concert [4]. I'm leaving Petersburg for Hamburg, Berlin, Copenhagen and around 8 February (always in old style) I will find myself in Prague and be very happy to shake your hand.

Meanwhile be assured, Monsieur, of the feelings of deep respect for you from your devoted servant,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky had conducted the first four performances of his opera The Enchantress at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg between 20 October/1 November 1887 and 2/14 November 1887.
  2. The composer was actually in Prague between 31 January/12 February and 10/22 February 1888, and conducted concerts on 7/19 and 9/21 February, so his reference to "old style" date was presumably a slip of the pen for "new style".
  3. At the second grand concert of the Society of Artists (Umělecká beseda) at the Rudolfinum on 7/19 February, the programme consisted of the overture-fantasia Romeo and Juliet, the Piano Concerto No. 1 (soloist Aleksandr Ziloti), the Elegy from the Suite No. 3, the Violin Concerto (soloist Karel Halíř), and the overture The Year 1812.
  4. In the event Tchaikovsky's conducting engagement in Tiflis was cancelled.