Letter 4878a

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 28 February/12 March 1893
Addressed to Francis Arthur Jones
Where written Klin
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen (2010), p. 11 (addressee unidentified)
Tchaikovsky Research Bulletin No. 1 (February 2011), p. 78 (with English translation, p. 79)
Чайковский. Новые материалы к творческой биографии (2013), p. 272 (with Russian translation)

Text and Translation

French text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist
28 Février/12 Mars 1893

Cher Monsieur!

Vous me demandez d'où est tiré le fragment que je Vous ai envoyé? Malheureusement j'ai complètement oublié quelle est la phrase musicale que je Vous ai communiquée.

Veuillez me le faire savoir.

Bien à Vous,

P. Tschaïkovsky

28 February/12 March 1893

Dear Sir!

You ask me about where the fragment I sent you is taken from. Unfortunately I've completely forgotten what musical phrase I communicated to you.

Please let me know [2].

Yours ever,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The autograph was sold on 13 January 2010 by R. R. Auction, Amherst (New Hampshire) — see [1].
  2. Enclosed with Letter 4856a to Francis Arthur Jones on 5/17 February 1893, Tchaikovsky had, in accordance with the latter's request for a small fragment from one of his manuscripts, sent an autograph musical quotation from the finale of The Queen of Spades (but without stating the title of the work). Jones had then written back from England on 27 February 1893 [N.S.] to thank the composer and to ask him to name the work from which the quotation was taken. See the publication of Letter 4856a in Голоса из Клинского дома. Письма, документы (1990), p. 92–93, and the accompanying information provided by Polina Vaidman and Lyudmila Korabelnikova. At the time it was not clear whether Tchaikovsky replied to Jones's letter of 27 February [N.S.], but now that the above letter has come to light it is clear that he did. What still remains uncertain is whether Jones sent Tchaikovsky a third letter with a copy of the musical phrase, because according to the commentary in Голоса из Клинского дома. Письма, документы (1990), p. 92–93, only two letters from Jones have survived in the archives at Klin.