Oscar Braun

Tchaikovsky Research

Oscar Braun was a representative of the German wine manufacturing firm Emil Zündel, who wrote to Tchaikovsky on 29 January/10 February 1886:

My dear Mr Tchaikovsky. I am sending you via Jurgenson some bottles of mulled wine that you were pleased to enjoy last year at Fitzenhagen's. Please excuse the terrible delay that could even make a white wine blush, and be assured, dear Mr Tchaikovsky, that this was not through want of goodwill, but rather of the time to prepare the package, and especially the means to deliver it to you. If this shipment arrives safely, I shall be more assured in future.

In the hope that I shall soon have the pleasure of seeing you again, I beg you, dear Sir, with a hearty handshake, to accept the most respectful greetings of your devoted

Oscar Braun [1]

The composer replied on 6/18 February 1886 that he was "delighted to receive the delicious mulled (albeit cold) wine that you kindly sent me" [2].

Correspondence with Tchaikovsky

One letter from the composer to Oscar Braun has survived, dating from 1886, and has been translated into English on this website:

Braun's letter to Tchaikovsky of 29 January/10 February 1886 is now preserved in the Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve at Klin (a4, No. 314).

Notes and References

  1. Translated from the original French text of Braun's letter in the Klin archive, as quoted in Luis Sundkvist, Čajkovskijana aus alten Auktionskatalogen (2015), p. 107.
  2. Letter 2882a to Oscar Braun, 6/18 February 1886.