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Tchaikovsky Research
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Strangely, your letter was given to me just at the moment when I was thinking about you and felt the desire to have news about you and all your lot!! I'm very fond of you and "''[[Varvara Zarudnaya|Lomachka]]''", but also Tatu and Anna Mikhailovna, and I do not like being without news of you all for long. You need not think that as a result of [[Anatoly]] leaving [[Tiflis]] that I intend to break ties with this city so dear to me. I even dream of visiting you in the autumn or winter. By the way, wouldn't you find it possible to invite me to conduct one or two concerts? You know that I'm now severely impoverished, and therefore I am not averse to you, i.e. the directorate of the [[Tiflis]] branch, offering me a fee — not a large one, of course, but sufficient to at least somewhat compensate for the costs of the trip. Is something like this possible? Is there any reason to hope that after paying me four or five rainbows, there will be something left over in your favour? Of course, you cannot give a definitive answer now, but bear this in mind, and the matter will be resolved in the autumn. And how glad I would be to visit [[Tiflis]]!!! It is a great pity that the opera there is no more. In view of the opening of a large municipal theatre, can we hope that, in time, opera will once again flourish in [[Tiflis]]? And in general, how close is the theatre to completion now? I really do not know whether to lament or be glad that you refused the lucrative offers from [[Odessa]]. On the one hand, it is a shame to think about music in [[Tiflis]] without you, because I cannot imagine who would replace you there, yet on the other hand, ''[[Odessa]]'' is in need of a respected and serious musical figure. In any case I like to think that if I make it to [[Tiflis]] next season, then you will still be there. When you and [[Varvara Mikhaylovna]] leave [[Tiflis]], my connection with it will decisively weaken. I feel sorry for [[Anatoly]] and [[Parasha]]. Oh, how horrible Estonian-German [[Reval]] will be for them after the Caucasus!!!  
Strangely, your letter was given to me just at the moment when I was thinking about you and felt the desire to have news about you and all your lot!! I'm very fond of you and "''[[Varvara Zarudnaya|Lomachka]]''", but also Tatu and Anna Mikhailovna, and I do not like being without news of you all for long. You need not think that as a result of [[Anatoly]] leaving [[Tiflis]] that I intend to break ties with this city so dear to me. I even dream of visiting you in the autumn or winter. By the way, wouldn't you find it possible to invite me to conduct one or two concerts? You know that I'm now severely impoverished, and therefore I am not averse to you, i.e. the directorate of the [[Tiflis]] branch, offering me a fee — not a large one, of course, but sufficient to at least somewhat compensate for the costs of the trip. Is something like this possible? Is there any reason to hope that after paying me four or five rainbows, there will be something left over in your favour? Of course, you cannot give a definitive answer now, but bear this in mind, and the matter will be resolved in the autumn. And how glad I would be to visit [[Tiflis]]!!! It is a great pity that the opera there is no more. In view of the opening of a large municipal theatre, can we hope that, in time, opera will once again flourish in [[Tiflis]]? And in general, how close is the theatre to completion now? I really do not know whether to lament or be glad that you refused the lucrative offers from [[Odessa]]. On the one hand, it is a shame to think about music in [[Tiflis]] without you, because I cannot imagine who would replace you there, yet on the other hand, ''[[Odessa]]'' is in need of a respected and serious musical figure. In any case I like to think that if I make it to [[Tiflis]] next season, then you will still be there. When you and [[Varvara Mikhaylovna]] leave [[Tiflis]], my connection with it will decisively weaken. I feel sorry for [[Anatoly]] and [[Parasha]]. Oh, how horrible Estonian-German [[Reval]] will be for them after the Caucasus!!!  

I was very pleased with America. They received me enthusiastically there; it was an enormous success. I was shown the utmost cordiality, hospitality and friendliness. But although it is pleasant for me to remember all this now, while I was there, I was terribly homesick for Russia the whole time, and yearned to be home with all my soul. You are probably aware that the [[Petersburg]] directorate have commissioned a two-act ballet and a one-act opera from me. I had to present both of them for the forthcoming season. But while abroad, I realised that if I was able to accomplish such a feat, than the haste of the work would undoubtedly be reflected in their composition. Therefore, I asked [[Vsevolozhsky]] to postpone the production of ''the ballet and the opera'' until the 1892-1893 season. Now I have set to work, i.e. I am writing the 2nd act of the ballet (I had the 1st ready even before going abroad), and after this is finished, I shall set about the opera. The subject ("''[[King René's Daughter]]''") is magical, and I feel that I can accomplish it well. In the summer I intend to orchestrate the symphonic fantasia "''[[The Voyevoda (symphonic balled)|The Voyevoda]]''", composed last autumn in ''[[Tiflis]]''. Furthermore, a radical reworking of the string sextet is needed, which turned out to be remarkably bad in every respect. I'm now living at ''[[Maydanovo]]'' again, in the very house where you stayed with me.
I was very pleased with America. They received me enthusiastically there; it was an enormous success. I was shown the utmost cordiality, hospitality and friendliness. But although it is pleasant for me to remember all this now, while I was there, I was terribly homesick for Russia the whole time, and yearned to be home with all my soul. You are probably aware that the [[Petersburg]] directorate have commissioned a two-act ballet and a one-act opera from me. I had to present both of them for the forthcoming season. But while abroad, I realised that if I was able to accomplish such a feat, than the haste of the work would undoubtedly be reflected in their composition. Therefore, I asked [[Vsevolozhsky]] to postpone the production of ''the ballet and the opera'' until the 1892-1893 season. Now I have set to work, i.e. I am writing the 2nd act of the ballet (I had the 1st ready even before going abroad), and after this is finished, I shall set about the opera. The subject ("''[[King René's Daughter]]''") is magical, and I feel that I can accomplish it well. In the summer I intend to orchestrate the symphonic fantasia "''[[The Voyevoda (symphonic ballad)|The Voyevoda]]''", composed last autumn in ''[[Tiflis]]''. Furthermore, a radical reworking of the string sextet is needed, which turned out to be remarkably bad in every respect. I'm now living at ''[[Maydanovo]]'' again, in the very house where you stayed with me.

Mrs ''Barkanova'' has some strange fantasy of going to [[Paris]]! I really have no sympathy with this, and do not understand why such wild fantasies should be encouraged!!! I have had occasion to send letters of recommendation to ''[[Ambroise Thomas|A. Thomas]]'' — but these were for truly outstanding talents (for example, the violinist [[Yuly Konyus|Konyus]]), who were compelled by circumstances to pursue a career in [[Paris]]. But why on earth would a mediocre, albeit talented, drunkard go to astonish [[Paris]]? And why is this necessary? God knows what nonsense this is! I am sending a letter, but wouldn't it be possible to persuade this mad future Parisian not to do this stupid thing?
Mrs ''Barkanova'' has some strange fantasy of going to [[Paris]]! I really have no sympathy with this, and do not understand why such wild fantasies should be encouraged!!! I have had occasion to send letters of recommendation to ''[[Ambroise Thomas|A. Thomas]]'' — but these were for truly outstanding talents (for example, the violinist [[Yuly Konyus|Konyus]]), who were compelled by circumstances to pursue a career in [[Paris]]. But why on earth would a mediocre, albeit talented, drunkard go to astonish [[Paris]]? And why is this necessary? God knows what nonsense this is! I am sending a letter, but wouldn't it be possible to persuade this mad future Parisian not to do this stupid thing?

Latest revision as of 17:17, 11 July 2024

Date 3/15 June 1891
Addressed to Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov
Where written Maydanovo
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 197)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 3 (1902), p. 487–488 (abridged)
Искусство, том 3 (1927), выл. 4, p. 165–166 (abridged)
Бюллетень Дома-музея П. И. Чайковского в Клину (1947), No. 2, p. 30–33
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-А (1976), p. 125–127

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
3 июня 1891 г[ода]
г[ород] Клин, Моск[овской] губ[ернии]

Милый Миша!

Странно, что мне подали твоё письмо как раз в ту минуту, как я о тебе думал и испытывал желание иметь о тебе и всех твоих известие!! Очень люблю я и тебя, «ломачку», но Тату, и Анну Михайловну, — и не люблю быть долго без известий о вас всех. Напрасно ты думаешь, что вследствие ухода Анатолия из Тифлиса я намерен порвать связи с этим столь симпатичным мне городом. Я даже мечтаю осенью или зимой побывать у вас. Кстати, не найдёшь ли ты возможным пригласить меня для дирижирования одним или двумя концертами? Ты знаешь, что я теперь сильно обеднел, и поэтому я очень не прочь, чтобы вы, т. е. дирекция Тифлисского отделения, предложила мне гонорар, конечно, не большой, но такой, чтобы хоть сколько-нибудь вознаградить издержки на путешествие. Возможна ли подобная комбинация? Есть ли основание надеяться, что за уплатой мне четырёх или пяти радужных что-нибудь останется в вашу пользу? Разумеется, теперь ты положительного ответа дать не можешь, — но имей это в виду, и осенью можно будет порешить дело. А уж как бы я был рад побывать в Тифлисе!!! Жаль очень, что оперы там больше нет. Ввиду открытия большого казённого театра, можно ли надеяться, что со временем опера опять будет процветать в Тифлисе? И вообще как теперь поставлено дело о достройке театра? Решительно не знаю, сожалеть или радоваться, что ты отказался от выгодных одесских предложений. С одной стороны, жаль подумать о тифлисской музыке без тебя, ибо не могу себе представить, кто тебя там заменит, а с другой стороны, Одесса нуждается в честном и серьёзном музыкальном деятеле. Во всяком случае мне приятно думать о том, что если в будущем сезоне я попаду в Тифлис, то [ты] там ещё будешь. Вот когда ты с Варварой Михайловной покинешь Тифлис, то моя связь с ним окончательно ослабнет. Анатолия и Парашу мне жаль. Ох, как противен им покажется эстонско-немецкий Ревель после Кавказа!!!

Америкой я очень доволен. Меня принимали там восторженно; успех был огромный. Радушия, гостеприимства, дружелюбия мне было оказано вдоволь. Но теперь мне приятно обо-всем этом вспоминать; находясь же там, я все время страшно тосковал по России и всей душой стремился домой. Тебе, вероятно, известно, что Петербургская дирекция заказала мне двухактный балет и одноактную оперу. То и другое я должен был представить к наступающему сезону. Но, находясь за границей, я сообразил, что если такой фокус и у дастся мне исполнить, то спешность работы непременно отразится на сочинении. Поэтому я просил Всеволожского отложить постановку балета и оперы до сезона 1892-1893 гг. Теперь я принялся за работу, т. е. пишу 2-ой акт балета, после окончания коего (1-й у меня был готов ещё до отъезда за границу) примусь за оперу. Сюжет («Дочь короля Рене») божественный, и мне кажется, что я могу хорошо его обработать. Летом-же я намерен оркестровать симфоническую фантазию «Воевода», сочинённую осенью в Тифлисе. Кроме того, необходимо радикально переделать струнный секстет, который оказался удивительно плох во всех отношениях. Живу я теперь опять в Майданове, в том самом доме, где ты у меня был.

Странная фантазия у г[оспо]жи Баркановой ехать в Париж! Очень не сочувствую этому и не понимаю, зачем поощрять дикие фантазии!!! Мне случалось посылать с рекомендательными письмами к А. Томасу, — но то были действительно выдающиеся таланты (напр[имер], скрипач Конюс), по обстоятельствам принуждённые делать карьеру в Париже. Но с какой стати посредственная, хотя и талантливая пьянистка поедет удивлять Париж? И зачем это нужно? Черт знает какая бессмыслица! Письмо посылаю, но нельзя ли сумасшедшую будущую парижанку уговорить не делать этой глупости.

Мне не совсем нравится, что ты хочешь переделывать скрипичную сонату в симфонию. Лучше примись за новый труд. Если не симфонию, то сочини сюиту (в кавказском стиле) или симфоническую фантазию. Ведь соната уже напечатана, если не ошибаюсь? Если она и не совсем удачна, то не беда, махни на неё рукой и принимайся за новое. Переделки откладывай до старости, когда начнёшь выдыхаться.

Целую ручки дорогой «ломачки», крепко обнимаю тебя, целую Тату и низко кланяюсь Анне Михайловне. Мамаше Зарудной тоже посылаю приветствие.

П. Чайковский

Американский дневник постараюсь прислать.

3 June 1891 г[ода]
Town of Klin, Moscow province

Dear Misha!

Strangely, your letter was given to me just at the moment when I was thinking about you and felt the desire to have news about you and all your lot!! I'm very fond of you and "Lomachka", but also Tatu and Anna Mikhailovna, and I do not like being without news of you all for long. You need not think that as a result of Anatoly leaving Tiflis that I intend to break ties with this city so dear to me. I even dream of visiting you in the autumn or winter. By the way, wouldn't you find it possible to invite me to conduct one or two concerts? You know that I'm now severely impoverished, and therefore I am not averse to you, i.e. the directorate of the Tiflis branch, offering me a fee — not a large one, of course, but sufficient to at least somewhat compensate for the costs of the trip. Is something like this possible? Is there any reason to hope that after paying me four or five rainbows, there will be something left over in your favour? Of course, you cannot give a definitive answer now, but bear this in mind, and the matter will be resolved in the autumn. And how glad I would be to visit Tiflis!!! It is a great pity that the opera there is no more. In view of the opening of a large municipal theatre, can we hope that, in time, opera will once again flourish in Tiflis? And in general, how close is the theatre to completion now? I really do not know whether to lament or be glad that you refused the lucrative offers from Odessa. On the one hand, it is a shame to think about music in Tiflis without you, because I cannot imagine who would replace you there, yet on the other hand, Odessa is in need of a respected and serious musical figure. In any case I like to think that if I make it to Tiflis next season, then you will still be there. When you and Varvara Mikhaylovna leave Tiflis, my connection with it will decisively weaken. I feel sorry for Anatoly and Parasha. Oh, how horrible Estonian-German Reval will be for them after the Caucasus!!!

I was very pleased with America. They received me enthusiastically there; it was an enormous success. I was shown the utmost cordiality, hospitality and friendliness. But although it is pleasant for me to remember all this now, while I was there, I was terribly homesick for Russia the whole time, and yearned to be home with all my soul. You are probably aware that the Petersburg directorate have commissioned a two-act ballet and a one-act opera from me. I had to present both of them for the forthcoming season. But while abroad, I realised that if I was able to accomplish such a feat, than the haste of the work would undoubtedly be reflected in their composition. Therefore, I asked Vsevolozhsky to postpone the production of the ballet and the opera until the 1892-1893 season. Now I have set to work, i.e. I am writing the 2nd act of the ballet (I had the 1st ready even before going abroad), and after this is finished, I shall set about the opera. The subject ("King René's Daughter") is magical, and I feel that I can accomplish it well. In the summer I intend to orchestrate the symphonic fantasia "The Voyevoda", composed last autumn in Tiflis. Furthermore, a radical reworking of the string sextet is needed, which turned out to be remarkably bad in every respect. I'm now living at Maydanovo again, in the very house where you stayed with me.

Mrs Barkanova has some strange fantasy of going to Paris! I really have no sympathy with this, and do not understand why such wild fantasies should be encouraged!!! I have had occasion to send letters of recommendation to A. Thomas — but these were for truly outstanding talents (for example, the violinist Konyus), who were compelled by circumstances to pursue a career in Paris. But why on earth would a mediocre, albeit talented, drunkard go to astonish Paris? And why is this necessary? God knows what nonsense this is! I am sending a letter, but wouldn't it be possible to persuade this mad future Parisian not to do this stupid thing?

I do not altogether approve of your intention to remake your violin sonata into a symphony. It is better to start a new work. If not a symphony, then write a suite (in the Caucasian style) or a symphonic fantasy. After all, if I am not mistaken, has the sonata not already been published? If it is not altogether successful, then that does not matter — just wave your hand and set about something new. Put off revisions until your dotage, when you start to run out of steam.

I kiss dear "Lomachka"'s hands, I embrace you warmly, I kiss Tatu, and bow deeply to Anna Mikhaylovna. I also send greetings to Mother Zarudnaya.

P. Tchaikovsky

I shall try to send you my American diary.